quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

Irrigação nasal com solução salina. Efetiva na rinosinusite crônica?

O que há algum tempo já sabíamos, que a solução salina fisiológica é efetiva no tratamento da Rinosinusite crônica,prevenindo inclusive suas complicações, agora é demonstrada em público por essa revisão.

From Journal for Nurse Practitioners

Are Saline Irrigations Effective in Relieving Chronic Rhinosinusitis Symptoms?

A Review of the Evidence

Kathy Thornton, RN; Marion Alston, FNP; Herbert Dye III, RN; Suzannah Williamson, FNP
Posted: 10/03/2011; Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 2011;7(8):680-686. © 2011 Elsevier Science, Inc.


Nasal saline irrigation (NSI) is sometimes used as a therapy to promote healing and provide comfort for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). To determine the efficacy of NSI for CRS, an evidence-based review was conducted. We found that, although current practice guidelines for CRS recommend NSI as an adjunct treatment, the evidence for the true benefit of NSI is sparse and inconsistent. Our review supports that NSI causes minimal or no adverse affects, provides a cheaper alternative to many traditional treatments, and decreases the risk of antibiotic overuse; therefore, health care providers can prudently include NSI as a treatment for CRS.

Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 2011;7(8):680-686. © 2011 Elsevier Science, Inc.
Publicado originalmente por Ricardo Alexandre de Souza em http://medicinadefamiliabr.blogspot.com

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