sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009

AAFP e Coca Cola... mais irônico impossível

Editorialista do Journal of Family Practice ironiza o patrocínio da Coca Cola à American Academy of Family Physicians.
No editorial ele ironiza: deveríamos aproveitar e fazer um parceria com a Philippe Morris para programas de educação para o tabaco, e com a Colt para prevenção de violência.


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December 2009 (Vol. 58, No. 12)


Do things really go
better with Coke?

Jeff  Susman,  MD


I was so "proud" when the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) announced that The Coca-Cola Company was the first partner in its Consumer Alliance program. In its press release, AAFP President Lori Heim, MD, describes the program as "a way of working with interested companies to develop educational materials to help consumers make informed decisions so they can include the products they love in a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle." The content is to be posted on and "will address sugar-free alternatives to help patients make better choices," the press release states.


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